Profiel van Gal Rančigaj

NLB Mobile bank Solution Slovenia


Načrtovanje mobilne infrastrukture za potrebe podjetja NLB. Money&GO je mobilna banka z dvema bankomatoma, sefom in pisarno za sklepanje poslov in naročniških razmerij. Koncept mobilne banke sem izdelal skupaj s podjetjem podjetjem Entrris. Mobilna banka je namenjena povečanju dosega v manjših krajih in občinah, kjer banke ali bankomata ni zagotovljenega.

Mobile infrastructure planning for the needs of NLB. Money & GO is a mobile bank with two ATMs, a safe and an office for concluding transactions and subscriptions. I developed the concept of a mobile bank together with the company Entrris. Mobile banking is intended to increase reach in smaller towns and municipalities where a bank or ATM is not provided. 

Client: NLB + Entrris d.o.o. 
Year: 2019

Ime Bank&Go je primerno za uporabo na vseh trgih NLB Skupine, hkrati pa izraža dinamiko, ki je glavna značajska lastnost NLB Mobilne poslovalnice Bank&Go. S posebej prilagojenim vozilom, ki omogoča izvajanje bančnih storitev na terenu, pridemo tja, kjer ste vi. Tako tudi ljudem v manjših slovenskih krajih, kjer ni bančnih poslovalnic, omogočajo nemoteno bančno poslovanje in osebni stik z bančnim uslužbencem. V vsakem kraju mobilna poslovalnica postoji predvidoma eno uro, nato pa se odpravi v naslednji kraj in tako omogoči dostopnost bančnih storitev v skoraj 40 krajih v Sloveniji.

V NLB so lani začeli uvajati nov način označevanja poslovalnic NLB in nove usmeritve so upoštevali tudi pri oblikovanju mobilne poslovalnice. Tako jo bodo uporabniki lahko prepoznali že na daleč zaradi značilno polkrožno oblikovanih površin v modri barvi NLB. Povezavo med mobilno in fizično poslovalnico pa so ustvarili z umestitvijo fotografij, ki predstavljajo utrinke iz življenja njihovih strank.

The name Bank & Go is suitable for use in all markets of the NLB Group, and at the same time expresses the dynamics that are the main characteristic feature of the NLB Mobile branch of Bank & Go. With a specially adapted vehicle that allows you to perform banking services in the field, we get to where you are. Thus, people in smaller Slovenian towns, where there are no bank branches, also enable uninterrupted banking operations and personal contact with a bank employee. The mobile branch is expected to exist in each place for one hour, after which it will go to the next place, thus enabling the availability of banking services in almost 40 places in Slovenia. 

 Last year, NLB began to introduce a new way of marking NLB branches, and new guidelines were also taken into account when designing a mobile branch. Thus, users will be able to recognize it from afar due to the typically semicircular surfaces in the blue color of the NLB. The connection between the mobile and physical branch was created by placing photos that represent snapshots from the lives of their customers.

NLB Mobile bank Solution Slovenia


NLB Mobile bank Solution Slovenia
