Street View allows you to view world landmarks, admire the wonders of nature, or look into the interiors of museums, sports fields, restaurants, shops, etc.
1. Open Google Maps.

2. Click on the stick figure in the lower right. Then drag the stick figure to the area, that you want to explore.

3. By releasing the mouse button, you place the stick figure on the map on the blue line, or to the blue or orange dot.

This is an attempt to transfer a 2D digital environment into a 3D real environment. The course and result of this transfer was influenced not only by the choice of material and the method of processing the so-called digital icons, but also by choosing the time and place of filming. Wind and rain also fundamentally affected the filming.

I'm looking for the highest point in the landscape. I let the foamy two-meter-high Street View figure drift away in the wind. The place of impact is difficult for me to determine.

