Профиль Bao Anh Bui

Remeasure the Liturgy – 2022 Liturgical Calendar

Remeasure the Liturgy – 2022 Liturgical Calendar

A student project by @bao.anh.b during the second year of Diploma at LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore.

In light of the world's ever increasing cynicism due to myriad of chaotic events from 2020 up to now, faith has never been so seriously demanded. Scarcity of trust in human has opened the doors for us to once again believe in God. Particularly, spiritual beliefs have aided people to reinstate their well-being, keeping them mindful, resilient and in turn, addressing the trust issues in the man-to-man relationship.

Christianity is among those influential belief systems today. However, Christian belief, from my perspective, has to be re-contemplated by oneself in this modern world. Rethinking the notion of Christianity is the purpose of this 2022 Liturgical Calendar. It is to uphold alternative ways to reread the meta belief system and review the experiences of observing calendar in relation to God.

Typefaces used: Adobe Jenson Pro.
Pictorial & Illustrative resources: 
– Tree of Jesse, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.
– Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Esquiline Hill, Rome, Italy.
– The Epiphany, Hieronymus Bosch Presentation of Jesus, Melchior Broederlam.
– Triptych: The Crucifixion, Rogier van der Weyden.
– The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci.
– Resurrection of Christ, Raphael
This week-based calendar is crafted to effectively indicate various dates for celebrating saints and the Lord Jesus Christ in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church. It is also a calendar for those who believe to commemorate the divine experiences God had been going through, to witness the life and work of Jesus Christ.

Besides observing it, the other important objective of this calendar is to encourage us to live our life in parallel with God's life. That being said, every page is printed single-sided so as the calendar users will be able to make textual notes or stick images onto the other unprinted pages, constructing a lively and personalized relationship with themselves and with God, equally. 

Although being a Liturgical item, this calendar embraces very little Christian Iconography to suggest the detachment of the worshippers from Christian pictorial representations and visuals, which are dominantly manipulated by the White culture. The way the users take note or decorate the calendar will define its own representation of God.
In order to relive the Christ's life, the calendar is designed to be inversely flipped through, in which it has to be flipped from rear to front side when entering a new week (adding a new page each week, opposite to the direction of a regular calendar.) By this reverse flipping, the experience of measuring time in Liturgical context is also reimagined. The refulfilment and the regeneration of life is implied by the completely and fully stacked pages at the end of the year when you have been going through all the days and nights. For that it is the gift that Lord give us at the end of Time to see what we had done instead of the expected emptiness of a few last pages usually seen from other regular calendars.
Moreover, the calendar can be seen through by the usage of translucent paper, and because the pages of the past is stacked below the present page, so that the past and the present will be merged & observed all at once.
Remeasure the Liturgy – 2022 Liturgical Calendar

Remeasure the Liturgy – 2022 Liturgical Calendar
