Screenshot of the Get Route dialog
Whiteboard sketches
Whiteboard sketches
Wireframe of Add data dialog
Wireframe of Cognos actions set up page
Wireframe of Cognos actions page
Responsive layout for the smaller resolutions.
Whiteboard sketches
Whiteboard sketches
Map gallery page in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Screenshot of style dialog
Wireframe of the settings page
Responsive layout for the smaller resolutions.
Browsing through multiple location types visually under Add Location Type workflow.
Whiteboard sketches
Map Settings page in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Screenshot of Configure Infographics page.
Design concept of Tools pane in IBM Cognos.
Wireframe of various style options
Screenshot of the Select dialog
Screenshot of the Style dialog with the visual representation of classification methods.
Design concept for the next gen version of EMF.
Design concept for the next gen version of EMF.
Maps Framework

Maps Framework

Esri Maps Framework is a framework to plug in esri maps into variety of bussiness systems including IBM Cognos, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, SalesForc Read More
