Type: Residential/Vacation House| Interiors

About the Project
Amanpuri is a private residence situated in the middle of the forest & stones throw from a breathtaking lake,since being located in the outskirts this property offered the much need exclusivity & serenity from the bustling city. Hence the name Amanpuri which in literal terms means -"place of peace"

The clients love hosting get togethers for their family and friends, therefore they wanted us to incorporate as much entertaining spaces as possible. The absolutely were in love with the idea to merge internal and external space, maximising the benefits of both and minimising the impact on the surrounding landscape. The clients wanted their property to draw its inspiration from the surrounding while preserving a central ethos of the site. 
A 8-bedroom holiday house was proposed to built upon the idea of slow, laid-back summer living, and encourages mindful connection with family, friends and the freedom to exist peacefully in nature. Form follows emotion rather than function, as every space becomes another opportunity for rest, reflection and exploration. The property celebrates its spectacular view from a grounded viewpoint blended into a sensitively landscaped, stone-walled garden that screens and adds a layer of privacy from the forest surrounding it.
Since the clients always have friends and family over, a separate wing was proposed that would provide both the client and the guests privacy and comfort. It accommodated a lobby, living room, dressing, bedroom, bath plus a private entrance to their own private garden.
The interior design concept aims to connect the complimentary conditions of near and far. The humble beauty of the surrounding landscape has inspired the form and materiality of the architecture and to this context we introduce a more refined and complex layer of finishes and decorations inspired by international travel. The overall impression is of a collection of discoveries that are arranged to achieve a balance of luxuriously soft depth and elegantly delicate details in each area, with a relaxed palette of natural tones that lift as you move from interior to exterior space, tying them together.
Inside simple, raw finishes provide cooling respite. Slate and timber flooring and unpainted walls allow the house to breathe and bespoke crafted furniture and fittings respect the local style whilst incorporating state of the art appliances and technology.
Key to the character of the house is the palette of traditional materials such as lime-wash, stone and wood that have been applied and engineered with hints of contemporary techniques and material to create un-nostalgic architecture that bridges heritage and locality with contemporary life.
An entertainment room is also incorporated for the family and friends to hangout in.
The Theater room with well stocked pantry.
Thank you for watching, I'd love to hear your reviews about the project .
Amanpuri- Interiors


Amanpuri- Interiors
