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How to Keep Your Online Privacy Safe

Are you concerned about how much of your personal information is saved on the internet and the possibility of it being stolen or misappropriated? This isn't the first time you've felt this way. The issue of Internet privacy is quite important.
When browsing your favorite social networking, news, and entertainment sites, you may take steps to better manage and safeguard your financial and personal information.
Suggestions for Internet Privacy

Here are some tips for enhancing your internet security.

1. Beware of sharing too much personal information on social media.

Is there a practical way to help you protect your online privacy? Don't overshare on social media. Giving too much information on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram may make it easier for hackers to get identifying information, allowing them to steal your identity or get access to your financial information.

Could an identity thief, for example, use your Facebook account to find out what your high school mascot is or your mother's maiden name? This information is occasionally used to alter passwords on bank accounts as security questions.

Regrettably, many people ignore this advise. The Identity Theft Resource Center revealed that 52 percent of respondents disclosed personally identifying information on social networking platforms in a 2018 research.

That's only the beginning of the oversharing. Approximately 48 percent of respondents gave information about their children, while roughly 33 percent gave information about their whereabouts, according to the same survey. A total of 42% of respondents used social media to post information about their trip intentions.

Ignore the "About Me" areas in your social media profiles to safeguard your online anonymity. You are not need to provide your birth year or location, which might make you a more attractive target for identity theft. Also, experiment with various privacy settings. You might wish to limit who may see your postings to persons you've invited individually.
To prevent people from entering into your social media accounts in your name, use strong passwords for them as well. This requires at least 12 digits, special characters, and upper- and lower-case letters to be used. Never use a password that is personal or simple to guess, such as your birthdate or pet's name.

2. Browse in private or incognito mode.

Do your online surfing in private mode if you don't want your computer to save your browser history, temporary internet files, or cookies.

Today's web browsers all have their own types of privacy protection. It's known as Incognito Mode in Chrome. Firefox's privacy function is known as Private Browsing, whereas Internet Explorer's is known as InPrivate Browsing. Others won't be able to track your browser history from your machine if you search with these options enabled.
However, these private modes aren't entirely private. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can observe your surfing behavior even if you're searching in incognito or private mode. If you're browsing on a corporate computer, your boss can see what you're looking for. You can be tracked by the websites you visit.

So, yeah, browsing incognito has certain advantages. However, it is far from the only tool available to assist you in maintaining your online privacy. Search engines that are anonymous and virtual private networks can help you protect your online privacy.

3. Change your search engine.

If you're like most online users, you use Google as your primary search engine. You don't have to, though. People choose anonymous search engines for a variety of reasons. Your search history or clicks are not collected or shared by this sort of search engine. Ad trackers on the websites you visit can also be blocked by anonymous search engines.

4. Make use of a virtual private network (VPN).

A virtual private network (VPN) turns a public internet connection into a private network, offering you online privacy and anonymity. Your IP address is hidden behind a VPN, making your online actions nearly untraceable.
A VPN is essential while utilizing public Wi-Fi at a library, coffee shop, or other public location. If you use a VPN, cybercriminals will have a tougher time breaking your online privacy and obtaining access to your personal data.

5. Be careful where you click

Phishing efforts are one of the ways that hackers breach your online privacy. Scammers use phishing to deceive you into disclosing sensitive financial or personal information. They frequently accomplish this by sending phony emails purporting to be from banks, credit card companies, or other financial organizations.
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How to Keep Your Online Privacy Safe


How to Keep Your Online Privacy Safe


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