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雪花啤酒(Lovibond 30)

雪花啤酒 · Lovibond 30。

这是中国雪花啤酒集团旗下的一套黑啤系列产品,名为Lovibond 30。名称源于开发了世界上第一台实用色度计的英国酿酒师Joseph Williams Lovibond,而数字恰好代表的是酒体的色泽。最开始品牌已上市了一款Lovibond 55,在市场表现颇佳的情况下,继续打造了这样一套针对于更为年轻群体喜好的黑啤产品。​​​​​​​ 酒瓶的设计上我们将瓶颈处做出了十六条渐消楞面,这也是对应于Joseph Williams Lovibond在1880年于索尔兹伯里大教堂所得到的灵感来源,并且我们还将瓶颈进行了收窄,也是为了对应产品的广告语“Take your time”。而针对目标消费群体,我们为一箱12瓶的啤酒每个都配以了不同的标签设计,但每一张标签的主题依旧是数字“30”,也让我们的品牌更容易广泛传播与被关注。

The product named “Lovibond 30”, The name is inspired by Joseph Williams Lovibond, a British winemaker and the inventor of the tintometer, and the number “30” indicates the colority the beer has reached. Since Lovibond 55, a product launched earlier, has achieved great market performance, the brand decides to build the new dark beer series targeting at younger consumers.

The bottle neck is designed with sixteen curved surfaces, implying the Salisbury Cathedral where Mr. Lovibond was inspired to invent the colormeter in 1880. The neck is also narrowed down to echo the slogan of the product“Take your time”. To attract target consumers, the 12 bottles packed in one box are given different label design, while the key word on each label is still “30”, making the brand name easy to be spread and receive attention.

雪花啤酒(Lovibond 30)

雪花啤酒(Lovibond 30)
