Inspired by Surudenise's illustrations of cities and architecture, I wanted to draw a cityscape of my own and try to refresh my memory of one-point perspective. The initial sketch, done in my sketchbook, was very small and rough as I primarily tried to lay out the elements how I wanted without tangents. I made sure the lamppost cut through the solid block created by the buildings in the back in order to make the composition more interesting, as well as adding the umbrella in the foreground to include some more curved lines and a sense of depth. I then used Adobe Illustrator for the linework of this piece to reacquaint myself with its pen tool, which I thought would help to neaten up the messy sketch with its straighter lines. From there, I colored and finished up the piece in Photoshop, where I decided not to attempt anything drastic with shading or gradients in order to let the lines and composition remain the main focus. As a practice at backgrounds, which I don't often draw, and a foray back into two skills that I needed to sharpen, I'm overall pretty pleased with this piece, even though I feel like adding some more shading could have made it more dynamic.





Kreativa områden