I was asked to design a logotype for a dentist located in Goteborg. The logo was to be used on a web application, that would be used by the dentist and his affiliates. There was no specific style to be followed other than the fact that the application itself would look quite modern and colorful.
I came up with several logotypes on the first batch, trying to cover many different design styles and approaches. Some of the logotypes were discarded, some proceeded to the next phase as they were, and some others required several alterations (based on client's feedback) in order to proceed:
Some had a noticeable modern feel, while others followed a classic minimal Scandinavian approach to graphic design. After the first itteration, the following ones were the ones presented:
Final stage
Finally the following design was the oen that got chosen by the client, as it had all the elements that he wanted:
Medicinsk Risk


Medicinsk Risk

Logo for a dentist's web application.


Creatieve disciplines