cube world  chest of Poseidon 
hallo beste lezer fijn dat je kijkt naar mijn opdracht.

de opdracht ging als volgt ik moest een 3d wereld maken van maximaal 20 bij 20 m
met de volgende onderwerpen 

omgeving onderwater 
thema dood 
must have treasure chest 

de story 
back in time where humans were still primitive and were searching for food instead of growing it.
There was one civilisations that was already modern and had 10 times more energy than we have today but like all civilisations they would fall because of war and the power they wanted to have a rebellion began to rise after they found a object from the god of the sea a chest that maybe would great power and that could only be opened with the trident of Poseidon a war raged for 10 year strait until the trident was located the rebellion found the trident first and with the last of there man the began the final assault on the main castle of Atlantis the problem was that the island was on the point of sinking the they mined to much of ground away, the siege was just the last thing to destroy the island and it started everything was flooding with water except for the main battle field as long as the wielder of the trident didn’t die they had air after 3 days of fighting the remaining government of atlantis made the choice to move the chest to another location the wielder of the trident tried to stop them but they shot him and he died on the spot. After he died the temple and very thing around is was over flown in with water and every one on the battle field died to be never seen again. That story was told 100 of years ago and is now only a myth but some believe that it really happened

link naar sketchfab
work in progress 
mood en style bord 
cube world

cube world
