Profilo di Jennau James

Why Marriage Counseling?

Why Marriage Counseling?
How does marriage counseling work? How can it be actually beneficial for you and your spouse? How does the process of counseling work? Are the details private? Would the counselor be judgmental? Is it plausible after so many years of marriage? Will it really work for me and my partner as we have different issues? Isn't counseling meant for couples who don't have time for each other? 

These are the questions that are frequently asked by people who are either referred to counselling or hear that their family or friends are taking regular counseling services. These questions are pretty much generic and derived from pre concieved notions. Let's answer them one by one.

1) Why marriage counseling? 
Answer- A marriage consists of two different individuals that come together from very different backgrounds to create a world of their own. Sometimes, the people involved in a marriage tend to have different views from each other or just can't understand each other in a they tend to fight, argue or just phase each other out. So, to rectify this kind of marriage, counseling can come in handy. 

2) What is the process of marriage counseling? Is it safe?
Answer- You can visit here to book an appointment or just go to the nearest counselor near you. In either of the processes, a therapist will be assigned to you who would listen to your worries, problems and issues without judging you. He/She would form a detailed analysis about your relationship and find the root cause of the issues told by you. The therapist would definitely help you to improve your bond by suggesting some activities to do together. Also, it is rest assured that your details are absolutely safe..they are not in a state of disclosure. 

3) When to know that counseling is required?
Answer- There are many red flags in a marriage that tells you that a marriage counselor is required at that point. 
 When a couple faces a major gap in communication.
 When you fight and argue a lot with each other.
 When your relationship lacks intimacy
 When either of you or both of you start lying to each other.
 When you see each other as enemies rather than seeing each other as a team. 
 When you don't trust each other.

4) Is it abnormal to seek outsider help for your own marriage?
Answer- Sometimes, bringing in an unbiased , professional third opinion in matters can help resolve issues better. People that love you would always be biased towards you, which would be counterproductive. So, seeking professional help to resolve your unsolvable issues is absolutely normal and well, shows a sign of smartness that you want to save your relationship from wrecking. 

Marriage counseling might seem like a lot to take in-because of obvious reasons...the judgements around it and due to a lot of stigmas attached to it. But trust me, if you feel that your marriage is worth saving, then counseling is the perfect way to go. It would definitely make your life a lot less complicated and mind a lot less overworked. 

Why Marriage Counseling?

Why Marriage Counseling?


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