Yafu was a very simple video game I made during college. 

My job was to design the whole user journey, wireframes, UI and even program it. In this moment of my life, we got only 10 to 15 days to make all this project. It was a solo project due to the instructions given by our UI, UX and programming teachers. 

Project Brief: 
Yafu was a city in a alien universe that was constantly attack my living organisms. The player goal was to eliminate the aliens forms who try to reach the zone A and B. 

The player use the mouse clic to eliminate the organism. 

Tools I used: 

* Blank paper for low fidelity wireframes
* Illustrator for high fidelity wireframes and UI design. 
* Processing as my very first prototyping and programming tool. 

The game concept was very simple but worth of sharing. 
This are the game characters of the video game. 
This was the main screen of the game. I offer to the players two simple options: 

1. Play - Send user directly to the gameplay. 
2. Guide - A small tutorial interface for players. 



Yafu, is a 2 players game, were the client is the hero and the server is the enemie who creates minions in order to destroy Yafu`s city.


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