MTV toy. 3" toy designed and included in gift bags for the 2007 MTV music awards. The classic Moonman with a hip hop twist was the concept. Packaging designed to have a futuristic feel.
Axis of Evil toy set. Two versions, the bottom set is the limited edition War Criminal set with a Sadam Husein figure that glows in the dark signifying his death and ghost like nonexistence.
Axis of Evil packaging for the Axis of Evil toy set (above). Target with horns logo in the top right and imagery of nuclear and television distortion create the essence of the packaging.
Gosho Doll. 8" Japanese doll designed by Plasticgod and produced by Super Rad Toys / Loyal Subjects.
"Mad L" A 20" sculpture hand painted in acrylic.


Toys made from my characters or involving my characters.
