I created this project as a hodgepodge of sorts: I began with the squares, which were individually painted in different styles, then I began positioning them so that there was an ombre from yellow to purple. As I glued the squares in, beginning from the bottom left and top right, I noticed that there was space that I wouldn't be able to to fill with squares, so I decided to do a simple doodle to fill the space. All in all, it turned out really well!
This project was a lot more planned than the last, and it has turned out really well. This is supposed to be a book cover, and I wanted to do something for people who feel that they are different. Those that are different will experience opposition, but I've noticed that often, people forget and just move on with their lives. There are some that may be changed because of one that is different, but not always and that's okay.
This project was created to be appreciating someone I know. I chose my dad because he's always been there for me and I wanted to show that I appreciate him so much.
This project was supposed to be a blend of two creatures. I chose a duck and a rabbit because those are two of the pets that I have. I had a lot of fun with this project and would definitely recommend it to others.
This was a far more structured project than other ones. Our class was told to trace a skull and paint onto it with one chosen color. I chose pink and this project helped me learn and practice blending acrylic colors.
My last and probably most difficult project was supposed to be a triptych. I haven't been able to finish the other two, but this one has come out as an amazing project.
Lexi's Art Portfolio

Lexi's Art Portfolio
