"Mommy and me" project

Through the years the toys follow our life and reflect it. Each collection has its character and remind us of different states of mind and different experiences in our so called life. So is the “Mommy and me” collection. It is launched in the year we became parents for second time. Second time is the time you feel more conscious what is actually happening when being a parent and a person. Balancing between these two states we’ve reached a concept that we really stay behind of.
By adding a pendant or a brooch attached to a selection of some of the best ESNAF TOYS we want to remind the moms to take care of themselves. A toy for the kid and a small joy for the moms. Because the best care of your children is taking care of yourself. 
"There are as many mothers in the world as there are children. They are all different but pretty much the same” Helene Deforge. Everyday they love and take care of somebody else but themselves. Most of them feel like they lost their freedom, enthusiasm, dreams, hobbies, friends in the name of their children. Most of them feel that this is normal and sacrificing is the life of being a parent. But if you change the perspective and see children not as barrier but as an engine. You will see how that point of view can make you even more ambitious to calculate time, to make schedules, to ask for help, to share responsibilities and to fight for those moments for yourself. Those moments that will bring back the state that you don’t see children as a load on your shoulders.
Photocredits: HAVAKinderlist
This parallel between the life and the project is the most magical thing that happens every time in our creation process. Even in fields that are incompatible at first sight like design vs. motherhood this reflection enchant our projects and merge them with life. That is why we like to say: 

We make toys for life!

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Mommy and me
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Mommy and me

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