Profil von Jeff Young

CNN's Crossfire Reboot graphics package

CNN's CROSSFIRE reboot is a nightly current events debate television.
Its format was designed to present and challenge the opinions of a politically liberal pundit and a conservative pundit.
The biggest challenge was designing a seamless 3D environment in VIZRT with the main graphic package . The VIZ portion of Crossfire open had to be built as a template so the producers could edit their own packages without the aide of a production artist.
The project includes many graphics elements like Open, Transitions, Bumps, Loops and Editable After Effects and VIZ templates.
All graphics produced at CNN Design © 2013
Design Director | Robert Hunter
Design Concept and Animation | Jeff Young
Editor Designer Animation | Peter Knudsen
Vizrt Team | Paul Boyd, Emily Lin and J R Schulz
CNN's Crossfire Reboot graphics package

CNN's Crossfire Reboot graphics package

CNN's Crossfire Reboot graphics package.
