Hi fellows!
Happy to share with you latest motion explorations with fabrics, textures, particles and materials. The project balanced out between art and commercial works but this time borders were erased and that's inspire!
Product Exploration
Noosa Basics Project
It's all about simplicity and the idea that less is more. 
Main focus is to keep the number of ingredients on each product to it is minimum.
Concept D 
We used negative space visual technique: Letter D is not visible by itself, but it’s imaginable it’s there. We wanted to explore inflated soft bodies interaction to create balls with cozy textures that are attracted into the middle and collides to each others.
Air flow Exploration
Sound by Sumeo.sd
Collider Exploration
Sound by Blink Audio
Growing Stones Exploration
Sound by Blink Audio
Various / 21

Various / 21
