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法模·心范 Inheritance & Innovation

Inheritance & Innovation

“法模”与“心范”其意义上是两种艺术创作的表达,通俗一点可以理解为“传承”与“创新” 。 “法模”表达师承与取法的源头,带有一定的传统规范性;而“心范”则是通过艺术家自身对万物对理解,通过内心去表达不一样的作品。每个艺术家对事物理解的不同,表达的观点自然是万变的。然而“法模”就相当于一个规范的载体,让艺术家可以不受束缚但又有一定但规范;从而创新且不是法度。就好比积木一般,虽然它是一个固定的载体,但每个人都会去创作不一样但组合。正如此次展览的主体“法模”与“心范”,既有规范又有不受束缚。

To this exhibition, "inheritance" and “innovation" are different ways to art expressions. The inheritance one lays the emphasis to rules of tradition, and the innovation one emphasizes on the sense of the artists.
This is the reason that building blocks are used as the basic elements of the poster. Every single block seems the rules, and the deferent shape when they are put up depends on the sense of the artists.

法模·心范 Inheritance & Innovation

法模·心范 Inheritance & Innovation


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