This course taught me how to improve my images significantly. One of the many things I learned was how to properly use the elements of art. As shown in my image displaying the cut up oranges, I incorporated the element of color. To be more specific, I used a monochromatic color scheme of the color orange. After taking this course I learned that a monochromatic color scheme is an image that contains the same tones and hues all around. While taking this course I also learned how to use and incorporate the principles of design into my images. Movement, being a principle of design is clearly demonstrated in the image where there is a trail of rocks. In this image the principle of movement keeps the viewers eyes moving throughout the entire image from top to bottom keeping them engaged. In this specific image compositional movement is used, using the elements of art to create a visual path within the rocks. All in all, this course of photography helped deepen my understanding whether it was with the elements of art, the principles of design, camera techniques, exposure, contrast and photoshop they all helped improve my images and composition as I learned more and more throughout the course.
Artist Statement

Artist Statement



Creatieve disciplines