LOUIS KWAI さんのプロファイル


2020 年是魅族魅友家成立的第十年,基于“无魅友不魅族”的精神口号,这次创作以魅族与魅友这十年间发生的一些较为印象深刻的事件为创意来源,组成一个寓意为凝聚、团圆的圆形图案,让所有元素无论是单独单独使用还是结合在一起,都能表达到各自的意义。

2020 is the 10th year of the establishment of MEIZU MEIYOUJIA. Based on the slogan of "no MEIYOU, no MEIZU", this set of illustrations takes some impressive events between MEIZU and MEIYOU in the past ten years as the inspiration to form a circular pattern with the meaning of cohesion and reunion. So that all elements can express their respective meanings whether they are used alone or combined together.
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