É tudo Mentira?
Small magazine created for Sesc Sorocaba (cultural center), with a special programme which took place in april with the theme "is it all a lie?". The activities questioned the participants on various themes such as conspiracy theories, space travel, quantum physics, Fake News and many others through lectures, films and workshops.
The idea for this brochure came from tabloid News and sensationalism, coupled with the aesthetics of old newspapers printed in few colors. Each page presents the names of the activities as headlines. Illustrations were created for the “ads” in addition to the use of fotos edited to simulate an old printed newspaper.
The typographic compositions were explored in different forms and combinations through the pages, incorporating the ornaments and drawings.
For the title of the newspaper “É Tudo Mentira?” an ambigram was created for the word “mentira” (lie) which was designed in such a way that when you rotate the magazine 180 degrees, the word “verdade” (truth) can be read in its place, contributing to the whole essence of this instigating cultural agenda.
More details of this Project can be viewed here: https://issuu.com/sesc_sorocaba/docs/jornal_issuu

This piece was selected to be part of the museum exhibition at Bienal de Diseño de Perú 2021
Truth or Lie? Ambigram created for the project.
É Tudo Mentira?

É Tudo Mentira?
