Ivan Bravo's profile

Playground mural

Street Art
"Children playing in the street are a good indicator of the quality of community life in the city." Jan Gehl, urban planner.

As a kid, you used to cross the crosswalk by stepping on only the white part, right? This mural is a flat playground on the street, full of play supports for children to jump, play, dance, balance... There are no specific games, kids need to invent their own way of playing.

It's painted in a narrow-streets pedestrian area with a lack of playgrounds for kids, without being an obstacle for pedestrians or vehicles. This project aims to revitalize the area for neighbors and small business.

Concept and design by Iván Bravo (@ivanbravo_ on instagram)
Painted at Sant Boi, Barcelona.
Photos by Guille Mendia and Sant Boi City Hall

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Playground mural


Playground mural
