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“Hope, the Boat”, Paper Boat

“Hope, the Boat”, Paper Boat

Every year, Paper Boat runs a campaign to raise money for children’s education. The campaign encourages users to make paper boats, and for every boat made, money would be donated to the cause, by the brand.
This year, Paper Boat wanted to create a campaign that would set a record for the number of paper boats made.

Our Approach

The challenge was this – in a world that is dominated by technology, how can we make consumers interested in the dying childhood practice of making a paper boat? The answer involved a change in perspective. Instead of targeting adults, we chose to target children and family audiences. We needed to bring back the magic of paper boats in children’s eyes. And what better way to do that than through an animated film?
In the span of three months, we conceptualised and executed a four and a half minute animation short about Hope, the boat. The story follows the adventure undertaken by a little paper boat that was brought to life by the magic of a child’s wish.


When Paper Boat saw the film, they liked it so much that they decided to make it their official brand film. It garnered over 2 million views on YouTube, and 2800 shares on Facebook. It was Campaign India’s pick of the week, and was even compared to Disney by Scoopwhoop. The film won 8 international awards for its animation, in non-branded categories. What does that mean? It means a branded film competed with other independent animated short films, and won.
With Hope, the Boat, we brought Paper Boat’s brand mascot to life.
“Hope, the Boat”, Paper Boat
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“Hope, the Boat”, Paper Boat

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