Online Portfolio by Braeden Murphy
Masking - Wooden Computer
Wood and technology are almost complete opposites but are still often put together. That always interested me as its a clashing of two worlds but its so common. So I put wood on a computer to exemplify this. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Talking to Myself - Attack of the Clones
The idea of clones and just everything going haywire with them has always interested me as its a mob mentality literally made up of the same exact minds. So when they all band up to beat another group of clones it seems pretty neat. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Portraits with Character - Michail Ukulele
Ok I originally wrote out this thing already and it took a while, then behance decided it wanted to not save only this specific part, so here's it all over again.
So I would consider myself a pretty good friend of Michail here, so I chose him as my subject. Michail is always charging towards whatever he wants to do, even when there's no point to it. He's always a happy go lucky dude dancing around. And he's a wackjob that makes no sense ever no matter what. So I decided to capture those elements in these photos.
Two things I learned about taking photos of character is that you only want to focus on one specific part of a person and not try and capture their whole personality along with making sure that you add items that show the subject's personality.
Aaron Siskind Photography - Nature is Neat
Aaron Siskind takes photos of texture, and so I thought that the best place to find texture would be in nature. Nature is a random mess of things that are never flat or smooth, but at the same time nature is more peaceful than the man-made stuff that actually is flat and smooth. So adding the black and white filter could capture that peace. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Aaron Siskind's work is usually a bunch of randomness like in the picture above. I think that that is good, as oversimplification and normalcy is not a good idea for photography, since photography is meant to capture a moment, and nobody wants to capture boring moments. However since he is taking photos of inanimate objects then he has to find randomness or else he may as well take a photo of a desk. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
HDR landscapes - Schooliosis
My school is boring. There's not much beauty to photograph and then oversaturate, so I had a hard time with this one. So I decided to try and take photos that were a mix of symmetry and asymmetry, then oversaturate those. Two opposites once again coming together for a photo and I once again took the opportunity. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Candid Moments - Fellas
Photo Journalism is the form of photography used to tell a story. As such, I tried to tell a story with each of these photos. Alex laughing maybe from someone doing a stupid thing, People helping Alex up, maybe from him being on the ground laughing. Michail doing a stupid thing, perhaps that's why Alex was laughing. Every photo has some sort of story behind it, and you get to make up that story. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
These are all the photos of Henri Cartier Bresson. Each one captures a different moment that you can think of and tell yourself. The first one of the man on the bike could be a bunch of different things. Perhaps he's late to work, and is rushing to get there so he isn't in too much trouble. Or maybe he's in a marathon. There's a bunch of different stories you can make up to go along with each photo. Henri Cartier Bresson does this by making sure to capture the moment instead of planning each photo meticulously. The angle of each photo almost makes you feel like you're in the photo yourself. Again, look at the first one of the man on the bike. It looks like you just got up and were grabbing the newspaper on your doorstep when you see a guy on a bike rushing past. His photos are nothing short of amazing when it comes to capturing a moment. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Triptych - Oh boy he got wet 
Ben is a tall dude that jokes around all the time. So I changed that in this photo by turning him into a serious little midget who's hands are wet for some odd reason. I decided to turn him on his head, figuratively of course. I didn't steal Michail's idea, he's just mad cause bad. I will admit to seeing the idea first and thinking "oh thats cool" but I didn't steal anything. Michail is a wuss. I am not losing the enraged type off, I just don't care enough to actually try because I don't have to prove a fact. Michail is a big dumb dumb that can't get over not getting what he wants. Michail hasn't even read all of Invincible. I have. I have the high ground here. Michail can't say anything about Invincible now. All because I read all 144 issues of that comic. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Meticulous Photography - Gridlock
Meticulous means that a lot of effort and care went into something. It takes a lot of effort to organize solid objects like rulers into this combined state and pattern. It's a grid, and grid's are neat. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
This is a photo by Emily Blincoe, and it caught my eye because its a gradient of rocks from light to dark. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
Surrealism - I don't even know what I did here.
Like the title implies, I did not know what I was doing or thinking when I made this. It started out as just Atticus has his head on a platter whoopdy doo. Then it got to here. Like what even is that. I don't know what my inspiration for this was, I don't know why I did this, I just did it. Thank you for coming to this abomination of a Ted Talk.
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