Yan Wang's profile

Electric motorcycle battery

Electric motorcycle battery   九号电动摩托车电池
Team work ( Segway - Ninebot ), 2019-2020 .  已量产
01 背景 丨Background
E125 双电池由于舱体尺寸限制及座桶遮挡,第二块电池需要两侧都有提手才能取出。
Due to the size limitation of the cabin body and the cover of the seat barrel, the second battery needs to have handles on both sides to take it out.
02 解决方案 丨Solution
Since it is difficult to make a handle on the surface due to the minimum volume of the battery, two solutions are given, a handle on each side and a flexible webbing in two directions. Finally, consider the cost and choose the webbing method.
Electric motorcycle battery

Electric motorcycle battery
