Rebecca Gleason's profile


These are Illustrations I created to be used for a short animated video helping users better understand how to use a new social network designed to bring people with cancer together to share their stories and advice.
This is the main character in the animated instructional video.
One day I was bird-watching at my local tree (one right outside my window) when I saw this bird with an actual bar code sticker on its head - just like this (minus the word 'bird' of course, that would have been crazy). It was so sad. He was trying so hard to get the thing off and there was nothing I could do. It made me think of how we are using our natural resources and polluting our planet without much consideration for future generations - one where birds and other animals can't live without our trash interfering in their lives, among other problems. I think that many people feel helpless to do anything about it. It just seems so immense and out of any one individual's hands. If only each person can see (in real-time) how their actions are affecting things right now, maybe that will be enough for everyone to understand that a collective effort is the only way to make a change.

Anyhow, I had to draw this bird the moment I saw it. Hopefully, his struggle was short lived. 
One of my favorite art styles/periods is Art Noveau. I love the poetry of the forms and the fluidity and movement the it captures. There are often large areas of muted colors, yet it's refined - elegant. Much of my early work is inspired by this style and it inspired me on this personal project as well. I created this mask in Illustrator one day. Eventually I applied it to a make-up line I made up to see how it might work as packaging art. These lipstick boxes are some initial explorations in that direction.
A watercolor illustration and hand-lettering done for Ghyslain, maker of fine chocolates, for their limited edition Triple Crown assortment.


Various personal projects including scientific illustration & branding.
