Captured using Sony Alpha 6100, Sony SELP1650 and SEL55210 on different nights when the sky is clear. Edited in Adobe Ligthroom Classic and lines are drawn in Adobe Photoshop.
Constellation: VIRGO
2nd Largest by area - 1294 sq. deg.
Constellation: URSA MAJOR
3rd Largest by area - 1280 sq. deg.
Constellation: LEO
12th Largest by area - 947 sq. deg.
Constellation: BOOTES
13th Largest by area - 907 sq. deg.
Constellation: ORION
26th Largest by area - 594 sq. deg.
Constellation: LIBRA
29th Largest by area - 538 sq. deg.
Constellation: CORONA BOREALIS
73rd Largest by area - 179 sq. deg.
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