Profil appartenant à Rittika Basu

Extra Banners for Social Media

Harm Reduction Centers, Canada
Defined by the British Columbia Center on Substance Abuse as an umbrella term for safe substance-use. It is inclusive of divergent services, policies, programs like needle distribution, overdose prevention, awareness and education etc. It is devoid of expensive
facilities like traditional recovery centres. Additionally, it raises awareness about safe use rather than utter abstinence. It is a person-centred approach. In fact, the community-based harm reduction services provide clean, sterilized and free syringes, naloxone kits, supervised injection sites etc. They play a pivotal in preventing the spread of blood transferred diseases like HIV, Hepatitis C and overdose deaths. 
Banner on opioid crisis in Ontario
The  is created for ‘People with living experiences’ who are trying to overcome their addiction and looking for medical assistance and professional resources. This Billboard should be placed in front of Maxwell Meighen Center, it is an emergency shelter bed facility offering services to ‘people with living experiences. I would like to emphasize the importance of mental health and make public health services accessible. My project could be a stepping stone in their journey of detoxification and recovery.

 According to the ‘Life in Recovery from Addiction in Canada Report’ published by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction in 2017, 79.1%  of people during recovery remained steady in jobs while only 52.6% of people with living experiences
continued to be in steady jobs. Additionally, 61.2% of people with living experiences are unable to pay bills while only 17.3% of people in recovery can not pay bills on time.

Extra Banners
These are some visuals I have created for fun and leisure. They are created for solely for academic practice, evaluating one's skillset and not for any commercial purposes. Feel free to review and comment. Several motifs have been procured from online resources such as Freepik, GraphicBurger etc. but compilation has been created individually.
Extra Banners for Social Media
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Extra Banners for Social Media

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