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CPA Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery Offers Accounting

CPA Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery Offers Accounting Resources for Nonprofits
CPA Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery recently offered accounting resources for nonprofit organizations.

More than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations exist in the United States. Running a nonprofit organization can be difficult, especially when it comes to finances. Nonprofit accounting requires an intricate system of record-keeping, reporting, and financial management. CPA Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery recently provided accounting resources for nonprofit organizations.

“Blackbaud is a software I think every nonprofit organization should use,” Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery said. “This company offers data intelligence resources and cloud software for foundations, nonprofit organizations, healthcare organizations, and educational institutions.”

The Blackbaud “Industry Insights” portion offers a great starting point for uncovering nonprofit accounting fundamentals. Users will also find a backlog of free webinars and countless other invaluable resources for navigating the accounting process for your nonprofit organization. The “Storytelling with Financials” video offers a variety of tips for individuals and CPAs aiding nonprofit organizations with their accounting.

“Another resource I love is the sgEngage website,” Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery said. “This blog offers a long list of articles on best practices for nonprofit organizations, reports, podcasts, webinars, and more.”

The sgEngage website is general, but it’s an excellent accounting resource that can be especially useful for nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit organizations often require fundraising to support their missions, and free resources like sgEngage are always appreciated.

Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery added that the Nonprofit Industry Reports section of the sgEngage blog includes a wide selection of ebooks and PDFs to help with general accounting practices. Several free webinars specifically target nonprofit organizations, such as the #NoFilterNonProfit webinar and the Giving Tuesday webinar. One of the best articles for nonprofit organizations is the article, “7 Tips for Navigating Nonprofit Compliance.” The “Nonprofit Accounting Cheat Sheet” is another excellent resource to which those managing nonprofit finances can refer time and time again. There is even a free e-book directly targeted toward accounting and reporting for nonprofit organizations.

“There is a lot of information out there to help with accounting for nonprofit organizations,” Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery said. “However, an experienced CPA can also help you navigate the difficult territory of nonprofit accounting.”

Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery finished by explaining that a qualified CPA is the best resource anyone dealing with nonprofit accounting issues can use. A Certified Public Accountant is equipped with the skills and financial education that can help your nonprofit succeed, whether you’re dealing with everyday budgeting, taxes, receiving contributions, fundraising, or other areas of accounting.
CPA Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery Offers Accounting

CPA Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery Offers Accounting
