Profil appartenant à Gavin Revitt

VIDEO Hecaton Industries & FRANK

Video: Hecaton Industries & FRANK
It was only a matter of time before an animation such as this dropped from Kokoro Art Studio, and considering I made a recent social media promise to that effect I wouldn't wish to disappoint. So with this 36 sec advert allow me to (re)introduce FRANK, the first neural kinetic robot from HECATON INDUSTRIES, and kin to all in here who have been having such chaotic fun in this 3D world.
As with the Ingot Production logo, this also called upon the capacities of my iPad and Garageband, Blender and Davinci Resolve for the audio, video and post production respectively. It seems to be quite a comfortable workflow, with each playing to their strengths, though I freely admit this may become more challenging as I go..
A shot from FRANK's test footage, and his first appearance on social media.
His final evolution shifted into a darker, more industrial mood piece.
FRANK is little different from his kin, but overall I've been happy with the results of playing with these little trouble makers. They've becomes something of a comedic flock to me and I've grown quite attached to them for their cuteness and dramatic focus, brought by their simple design - everything they do and say is all in the eyes and body language. that's not to say they can't speak, but I suspect when that emerges it won't be a language which we humans can audibly comprehend.

The process of learning animation is an ongoing endeavour, and the above flick is but a baby step along the way towards my ultimate goal in this realm - a comedic short.

I've been using Blender just shy of one year now (June 2020 - May 2021) and things have been going quite well. In spite of this I can't fully commit to promising on this ambition. Even at this point in my learning curve I feel that whilst the creative aspects are sound, the technical aspects may be a significant hurdle. It's true that I'm sporting a six core Ryzen system, 32Gb of RAM and a GTX-1070SC graphics card, and this has served me infinitely better than anything previously owned, but my ambition may be a stretch given that I'm only sporting a six core Ryzen system with 32Gb of RAM and a GTX-1070SC graphics card. Nevertheless I shall remain hopelessly optimistic.. nothing ventured eh? If it fails to materialise on such grounds then I'll still consider a win, since it will imply the genuine need for an upgrade which is something every self respecting geek embraces with glee!
VIDEO Hecaton Industries & FRANK
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VIDEO Hecaton Industries & FRANK

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