Profil appartenant à Carl Casale

Global Population, Resources, and Urbanization

With an MBA from Washington University in Saint Louis, Carl Casale is an agricultural technology innovator and investor. He serves as a senior agricultural partner at Ospraie Ag Science. During the Oregon Blueberry Conference, Carl Casale spoke about the future and global population.

The Oregon Blueberry Conference’s main theme was the future, global population, and resources. A study showcases that in 2030, the global population will not be distributed equally and that continents like Africa and Asia will have a much bigger population and suffer more from overpopulation than the rest of the world. Also, most of the global population will become more and more urbanized, which will create a wealth disparity between the middle class and wealthy people and the poor.

Urbanization will create two different food systems, divided between the poor and the wealthy. With overpopulation also comes overdemand and the need for more resources. The key to meeting those demands, as presented at the conference, is technology.

Market opportunities toward sustainability count fertilizers, microbiome solutions to increase plant health, and biocontrols with pesticides. Water conservation can be maintained with gene editing-induced drought-tolerant crops. Local market opportunities mark indoor vertical farming as one of the most efficient ways to meet the demands.
Global Population, Resources, and Urbanization
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Global Population, Resources, and Urbanization

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