CES 2021
How we work, how we live, how we learn, how we experience the world. This year everything went online, and for CES 2021—the first virtual CES—Verizon wanted to bring the network to life as it had never been seen before.
Inspired by the melding of humanity and technology, we created a new visual language for connectivity out of 5G data. We used inputs of cities, traffic, telemedicine, classroom learning, and live events, and reimagined them through a two hour mixed media event, livestreamed to millions and filmed in one take on an XR stage in Los Angeles.
We paired these with AR elements like the Apollo 11 command module, took the audience to the 50-yard line of an XR football field, and experimented with emerging technologies on a massive scale—all to create a groundbreaking keynote evoking the possibility of 5G technology on tech’s biggest stage.
Client: Verizon
Product: Brand
Production: The Mill

LED Backgrounds

CES 2021: 5G XR


CES 2021: 5G XR
