Profil appartenant à Kenneth Justine Licaycay

Padre Faura Storybook Illustrations

"There is a storm coming! But when will it come and how can peope prepare for it? Father Federico Faura is the first person in the Far East to know when a typhoon will arrive.

He helped the people to realize the importance of science in their everyday lives because this will save them from destructive typhoons."

"Padre Faura, Catcher of Typhoons" (Si Padre Faura, ang Tagahuli ng mga Bagyo) is a storybook written by Percival Byron Salazar Bueser and illustrated by yours truly! I learned more about an important side of Philippine history that I did not know while working on this project!
Front Cover
Character Studies
Thank you!
Padre Faura Storybook Illustrations
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Padre Faura Storybook Illustrations

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