I made some concepts inspired by articles from different magazines

Room for more? 

Berlin has the highest level of student migration in the country,
Seeing a gap in the market, a handful of private companies are building campuses and student apartments all over the city, targeting both German and international students. Charging a ridiculous amount for little living space and cramming people as tight as possible for bigger profits.

Check out the full article from "Exberliner" written by Redmon Bacon on November 29, 2018
Think before you kink

Dominance and submission can create a special intimacy. But also the idea of BDSM bring a historical weight. When we play to be a slave we also play with the Maafa. Maafa, is a term coined above all by the theorist Marimba Ani, describing the entirety of all crimes against black people. Slavery and Maafa cannot be separated from each other.
Check out the article from "MISSY MAGAZINE" written by Kumi 06/20. 

Astrology in the Age of Uncertainty

Astrology is currently having a cultural acceptance that hasn’t been seen since the nineteen-seventies.The change began with the coming of technology like the computer, the internet and social media. What attracts most people to astrology today has more to do with the psychology and the natal chart that shows the individual’s relation to the cosmos at birth.
Check out the article from "The New Yorker" written by Christine Smallwood, October 21, 2019
Does having a purpose in life make us happy?
Studies show that usually not having a purpose brings depression. Happiness has a deeper connection with a purpose. The writer George Washington Burnap’s frequently-cited: “The grand essentials of happiness in this life are: Something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”
Check out the article from "New Philosopher" written by Marina Benjamin, 13 October 2020
Thank you!

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