Steve Crouse 的个人资料

Cryptr - Encrypt and Decrypt Messages

Design created for a client – published for iOS and Android as NSA Firewall.

The app allows the user to easily encrypt and decrypt messages and copy them to the clipboard or share them via email, iMessage or messenger apps like WhatsApp.
1. Input
User enters unencrypted / encrypted message and password to encrypt / decrypt.
2. Visualization
Sort of loading screen until encryption / decryption process is finished. Since text is processed rather quickly, this may be an obsolete or purely cosmetic screen.
3. Output
Show encrypted / decrypted message, with options to copy and share the text or answer (takes the user back to the first screen of the decryption / encryption sequence, respectively).
Cryptr - Encrypt and Decrypt Messages

Cryptr - Encrypt and Decrypt Messages

Design for a text encryption and decryption app.
