I chose to create medicine packaging to communicate how rhino horn is being used in China and far east Asia  and how alternate medicine could be used instead. The herd of rhino's walking out the box was intended to communicate the extent of the number of rhino's currently being poached.
 I created the initial net and packaging designs of the box on Photoshop before printing them out onto A1 card to be assembled. The rhino cut outs were also printed onto A1 card.
The name 'rhinoprofen' was a play on the existing brand ibuprofen (not aimed at ibuprofen). I also chose to use their logo and the slogan 'it kills to kill pain' to further communicate the poaching issue and the use of the rhino horns for mythical medicinal uses.
Papermache Rhino and Trees:
I continued the theme of using a 3D illustrative style by creating these paper mache models. I used enlarged photocopies of existing medicinal packaging designs for the exteriors of the models. The idea of the rhino coming out of a box was a development of the idea of my above work but this time in a 3D format.


This project was aimed at communicating the current rhino poaching issue in Africa. Rhino's are poached and killed for their horns which are thou Read More
