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Semble Cutomer Journeys & UX


We worked with Semble over a number of agile workshops to help them define their customers, understand their pain points and ultimately provide a solution that the market needed.

– User Personas
– User Stories
– UX
– Prototyping
– Hi-fidelity wireframes

User Personas
Semble is community first. To understand the needs of their customers, we created unique user profiles to represent their primary and secondary user groups. This painted a clear picture of their demographics, psychographics, needs, and wants. 
User Stories
Creating user stories allowed us to facilitate the functionality of a system that can be used in any environment to ensure that design and development are focused on user needs. They deliver the “who”, “what” and “why” of user requirements in a format that can be easily understood by anyone who needs to use them.
User Experience
Designing user experiences that delight is a difficult task. It takes a highly skilled team of experts: user experience strategists, user interface designers and engineers. We assembled a team of specialists to craft and optimise the Semble platform user experience.

By using an interactive approach to the design and working closely with the Semble team, we are able to completly revolutionise the user journey from awareness to action. Tools like interactive prototypes, user testing, and user monitoring platforms were  essential to the process.
Semble Cutomer Journeys & UX


Semble Cutomer Journeys & UX
