Profil appartenant à Natalie Wiiki

Book Covers and Layouts

This was a project I created for my Arts 223 - Intro to Typography class at Liberty University. For this project I was asked to create three different book covers and layouts: classical, experimental, and modern. The first book shown here is the classical book. I used a serif typeface and created a border that would be typically seen on a classical book. The second book shown is the experimental book. For the cover I took fingerprints and collaged them together in the background, and each sheet shows the different enemies of Sherlock Holmes throughout the series. I then took newspaper and cut out each letter to make them unique to spell out the title and authors name. The layout of the book features different shapes related to the book and fun placements of words not typically seen when reading a novel. Finally, the last book shown is the modern book. The modern book features a reverse silhouette of Sherlock Holmes. The layout of the book is fairly basic and easy to read. 
Book Covers and Layouts
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Book Covers and Layouts

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