Profiel van Claire Pew

Gear Locker Mobile App Prototype

Fall back in love with your gear. 
Imagine: your virtual outdoor gear garage. 

There is a growing passion for adventuring outdoors, but many hesitate to invest in good gear, for fear of what it takes to maintain and enjoy its quality. There is also often a lack of knowledge and therefore confidence in gear maintenance.

The solution is a mobile app that will at as a virtual outdoor gear garage, with instructional guides and access to community resources or training. It will be a hub of organization; just like if you had your own dream gear shed, restoring your love for enjoying any adventure.

User personas helped to define Gear Locker's design.

The mobile app’s interface structure was designed to house several hubs - a log for personal gear, a resource guide hub, an activity tracker, and a community forum space. Flow and interaction both separately and between the hubs were important to consider for user flexibility.

Iconography was custom-designed to identify gear and navigation throughout the mobile app interface.

The completed design evolved from low-res, medium-res, and high-res wireframes. Two rounds of user testing helped to determine efficient task paths across the mobile interface. Subtle variations in design across the separate hubs offer creative interest and distinction.
Gear Locker Mobile App Prototype


Gear Locker Mobile App Prototype
