楊 順志 님의 프로필

水造佛經 Buddhist Sutra Reconstruction of Water

水造佛經 - 普門品
Buddhist Sutra Reconstruction

Early Buddhists had to engrave the teachings of the Buddhist scriptures on slates to inherit the spirit of the sect, passed down with different and devout rituals over time. Is it possible to present a new way of asceticism with a pious heart in the contemporary era of rapid and convenient technological development?

Throughout the context, we can find that these important teachings are spread and preserved with letter as the carrier. Therefore, this project uses type design as the starting point for thinking and uses an important device in Buddhism, the Buddha Bead, as the basic shape of the type design. Then the water that symbolizes purity is dripped into the hollow circular shapes of the Buddha Bead Font. The entire Buddhist scripture is dripped word by word, making the whole process of purification more complete.
〈水造佛經-普門品〉並不是一部以字體設計為切入點的製作,在一切皆為初始狀態時便奠定以「宗教」及「經典」兩項主軸為後續發展的基礎;所以「字體設計」觀點的介入,是藉由研討古時佛教徒傳承的教義,得出「文字即是延續思想最細微的載體」才誕生。因此在後續才深掘「行為」、「過程」、「文字」、「教義」這些細部的設定,加諸於作品之上。 整部經典 3000 餘字的文字皆以「佛珠」為造型依據分別製作,首從數位上逐字製作排列所有的線條後印刷成張,再將水滴入每段線條、每個空白之上,使原本缺漏的文字逐漸完整成形,最終捕捉這浩大的片刻成像,〈水造佛經-普門品〉才完整。​​​​​​​
水造佛經 - 普門品
Buddhist Sutra Reconstruction

設計 Design|楊順志 Shun-Zhi, Yang
影像製作 film|林律衡 mixedc
特別感謝 Special Thanks|林律衡的 IPHONE X
水造佛經 Buddhist Sutra Reconstruction of Water


水造佛經 Buddhist Sutra Reconstruction of Water
