Профиль Ritusri Halambi

Gender Wage Gap I Branding & Awareness campaign

Define a problem statement after doing an extensive research on your topic and come with a design solution for the same. “Gender” was the topic I chose.

I chose gender in particular because I wanted to deal with social issues that are very much prevalent in today’s time. I also feel there’s so much scope for problem solving, especially through design.

Under gender, I chose, “Gender Wage Gap and Glass ceiling effect at workplaces” as my topic. My sole aim was to create awareness about the topic which is not so spoken about but also very relevant in today’s time.

I made a video as a deliverable for my design project. The following video creates discussions in the mind of the viewer regarding the Gender Wage Gap issue. #BridgeTheGap is the hashtag I decided to go ahead with for my campaign.
Gender Wage Gap I Branding & Awareness campaign

Gender Wage Gap I Branding & Awareness campaign


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