Lingering Shadow: I wrote this paper my freshman year. It won a First- and Second-Year English award. Teachers of English courses from all the 100 and 200 levels submit papers from their classes that students wrote to fulfill an assignment. A committee chooses 2 – 3 winners. For this paper, I used the essays I  read that semester in class and applied them to my 12 years of Catholic education. (I would just like to state that this paper stemmed from my issues with the way certain Religion classes were organized. I don’t have any major issues with the Catholic faith.) My instructor for this course was Meghan Kuckelman. She helped me organize/edit the paper. 

Reversing Prufrock: This paper won the HELEN RHODA HOOPES AWARD my sophomore year of college. We read “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” in my English class and I had a very different view from my classmates. So I wrote my final paper to show my opinion on the poem. If you don’t want to read the entire paper, you can scroll down to the bottom of page 8 and read my re-write of the poem. It emphasizes my point. (It would be beneficial to read the original poem before reading this paper or my re-write. You can find it online here: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock ) I wrote this paper originally for another class taught by Meghan Kuckelman. The following semester I revamped it and added more research to it in Stephanie Scurto’s class.
English Papers

English Papers

As mentioned before, these are award-winning papers from my college English classes at KU.

