Profil Shoghi Bagul

Displacement and Expulsion of the Baha'is of Ivel

A short video created on the Displacement and Expulsion of the Baha'is of Ivel

The Baha’is of Ivel village in Mazandaran in the north of Iran have been facing systematic state-sponsored persecution since 1983. In 2010 Bahá’í homes in the village of Ivel were subject to arson and demolition repeated grievances and complaints by the Bahá’ís at local and national levels, through government officials, religious clerics and others. There have been Baha’is in this village for more than a century and a half. Four decades of arrests, executions, imprisonment, property confiscations. And now dozens of families have been displaced after a court ruling to confiscate their properties in an Iranian village. #ItsTheirLand#Ivelbahais​ 

Displacement and Expulsion of the Baha'is of Ivel


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Displacement and Expulsion of the Baha'is of Ivel



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