Royal Secret
The King of Kings has no destination.
He is where he is, and that is nothing other than
The King of Kings has no wisdom.
He is everything he knows, and what he doesn't know isn't real.
The King of Kings has no hope. 
No possibility lives in him, because he is present.
The King of Kings has no words.
He need not justify himself to anyone, because his words are dead.
The King of Kings has no past, no future.
There is nothing outside him, and he owes nothing to anyone.
The King of Kings has no kingdom.
He lives in the land of opportunity, where everything happens for him.
The King of Kings is the person who is present.
He knows that he is everything and nothing,
and this is his royal secret.
- Ziavash
In search of peace. 
A taste of freedom.
Born to rule. 
Imprisoned by fire.
A mountain's roar. 
Dance of rivals. 
Son of divinity
Son of honor
Son of intellect
Son of sin
Son of pride
The serpent within
The holy land  of Z
The soul of Z
King of Kings


King of Kings
