Christian Baurs profil

Schlafwelt - Dreams

WE ALL JUST WANT A BEDTIME STORYSchlafwelt - Dreams is a new online-shop for everything you need to have a nice sleep. 

We developed this Online-Commercial to show how beautiful your dreams 
get with products from Also a little facebook application was
developed, where users could create their personalized version of this film.
Client: Schlafwelt – a brand of Otto (GmbH & Co KG) -
Marketing-Chief: Martin Knorr, Philipp Bößem
Agency: Neonlichtung -
Creative Director: Carlo Monnée
Art Direction / Directors & Production: Christian Baur, Thimon Machatzke
Post Production Film: Christian Baur, Thimon Machatzke
Post Production Projection: Chad Ochs
Speaker: Hillevi Baumgarten
Music: Joscha Machatzke
Actors: Gesa Boysen, Rolf Bach
Schlafwelt - Dreams

Schlafwelt - Dreams is a new online-shop for everything you need to have a nice sleep. We developed this Online-Commercial to show how beautiful your Läs mer


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