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Treats from Dr. Bear

Treats From Dr. Bear is an Instant Gratification Campaign on Facebook for Parkway East Hospital to increase their fan base,
 promote the hospital to families and to generate awareness of their new Friends Programme to parents and working adults.

Using the “Care Bears” concept, to portray the hospital as a place where the staffs care for their patients like friends do. You'll be well taken care of and able to feel at ease even in hospital.
Pick a gift box and Dr. Bear might present you with a surprise. Even if users aren’t luck enough to win anything, Dr. Bear will still provide health tips for them to take away with. Just like how friends will always provide their support for you.
Treats from Dr. Bear

Treats from Dr. Bear

Treats from Dr. Bear is an Instant Gratification Campaign on Facebook for Parkway East Hospital to increase their fan base,
 promote the hospital Se mer
