Will Saechaos profil

Intramural Bowling | UW Bothell

UW Bothell’s Intramural Leagues (IM) specialized in offering students opportunities to join a team sport on the Bothell campus. The IMLeagues also host a wide variety of sport-centered events for all students. This event, in particular, is their annual bowling night at Kenmore Lanes in Kenmore, WA. 

The IMLeagues gave me the task to design a poster for their annual bowling night. The yellow design was the first poster I made for them back in 2017. I was influenced by a retro 1970's art style. For 2018, I wasn’t available to re-tackle the project, but I did return for their 2019 event. The blue design (2019 event) took inspiration and borrowed assets from the yellow design. This was an interesting project for me because I got to re-do/improve my old design. I remember liking the 2017 poster when I first designed it, but looking back, I do see it has a bit of a hierarchy problem. To improve on that, I decided to keep things simple and link important information together-like the date, time, and location all on the same line. I also got to improve vastly on the typography of the header for the event. 
Process Note: Most of my designs start out on paper. Some sketches you see will either be a detailed sketch or a rough thumbnail. I do this to get an idea of what the layout might look like, as well as flesh out any graphics or thoughts about the project. I have adapted to drawing on a digital tablet, so some sketches were done in Photoshop. 

Below are some sketches of the 2019 event poster (blue one). Fun fact, I originally was going to use the blue poster's layout for a Trench Ball Tournament Poster, but scraped it and recycled it for this bowling poster. Hence why the sketch contains content for a Trench Ball event. 
Intramural Bowling | UW Bothell

Intramural Bowling | UW Bothell
