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Marma Ayurveda's ayurvedic laxative syrup

Constipation, if left untreated, may be excruciatingly painful. Here's Marma Ayurveda's answer to it
First, let's know what is constipation then will go through the Ayurveda's view on it, then atlast Marma Ayurveda's ayurvedic medicine for constipation
What are Constipation and its Ayurveda's view?
Constipation is the inability to fully clear your bowels or difficulty in expelling stool. This widespread issue is caused by a faulty lifestyle and bad eating habits. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the three doshas defined by Ayurveda. The Vata Dosha controls movement and expulsion and is cold and dry. Constipation occurs when it is out of control, also known as Vibandha.
What are the Causes?
According to Marma Ayurveda, Constipation can be caused by a variety of factors. The following are some of the most possible causes: 
Vata dosha is worsened by consuming dry and cold foods.
Drinking too little water.
Spending most of time outside in the heat.
Being physically inactive and staying in one position for an extended period.
What are the symptoms?
When you have constipation, you can experience symptoms such as:
Abdominal pain.
Pain at the anus while defecating.
The heaviness of the body.
Lack of appetite. 
Colon cancer.
What's Marma Ayurveda's answer to this constipation?
Any of the triggers can be prevented, and you can get rid of the issue by cultivating healthier eating habits. Taking a 100% natural and Ayurvedic laxative medicine from Marma Ayurveda is one such remedy. Our Ayurvedic laxative medicine works like a wonder and aids in the prevention and treatment of constipation.
Laxone SF Syrup, ayurvedic medicine for constipation developed by Marma Ayurveda, is a natural laxative formulated. 
Some Benefits of consuming Marma Ayurveda's ayurvedic medicine for constipation:
Improves intestine efficiency by increasing water intake, resulting in the softer stool.
Helps to control bowel movements and improves digestive health
Symptoms such as flatulence, discomfort, and straining during defecation may be alleviated.
Beneficial in curing neuralgia of the rectum.
Cures constipation and many more...
Here are the ingredients, because of which Laxone SF Syrup is the best ayurvedic medicine for constipation.
Haritaki: This herb is a potent laxative, astringent, and anti-oxidant that aids in the treatment of a variety of health problems, including bowel dysfunction.
Dantimool: It's an ayurvedic herb that's used to treat a variety of ailments. Purgatives can be found in the seeds and roots of this plant. Root extracts and solvents have anticancer, antioxidant, antimicrobial, immune-stimulatory, and hepatoprotective properties.
Vavding: It is a lubricating laxative that works by regulating the presence of water in the stool and intestines to make it easier to move the stool.
Indravaruni: This plant is an Ayurvedic herb with potent laxative properties that help to improve bowel function and treat frequent bowel movements.
Manuka: Improves intestinal problems such as constipation, stomach pain, and frequent bowel movements.
Gokshur: It has laxative, purgative, astringent, and antioxidant properties, all of which aid in constipation relief.
Nishoth: It acts in regular therapy to approach and control constipation.
and many more...
How you should consume LAXONE SF SYRUP: 
Take 2-4 teaspoons or 10-20 ml of the syrup before bedtime, preferably with lukewarm water.
Take it twice a day, before meals, with lukewarm water.
No doubt you might have come across many medicines for constipation but those have many harmful side effects which can cause threat in your later life. That's why Marma Ayurveda bring you the perfect, natural and ayurvedic medicine for constipation problems. Marma Ayurveda's laxative is referred to as "The Mischievous Sprite to Constipation." 
Marma Ayurveda's ayurvedic laxative syrup

Marma Ayurveda's ayurvedic laxative syrup


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