Gilbert Varela profili

Prescription Nervous System Depressants, Drug Effects

A family medicine practitioner with more than three decades of medical experience, Gilbert Varela, MD serves as the CEO and medical director of Sadler Healthcare, Inc. in Los Angeles, California. In this position, Gilbert Varela offers residential and accommodation services for people suffering from substance abuse problems. He also provides medications to treat addiction when clinically necessary.

Prescription central nervous system depressants, such as benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and hypnotics, are medications used to treat and manage stress. These drugs help a patient forget stress-associated thoughts or feelings, enabling relaxation. Most of these drugs come in liquid, pill, or capsule form. Without a prescription, these drugs can be abused.

Most prescription central nervous system depressants work by increasing the activity of a chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid, which slows down brain activity, causing calming effects and making them useful to treat anxiety and sleep disorder. When a person misuses depressants, they may experience drowsiness, slowed breathing, involuntary eye movements, reduced blood pressure, and lack of coordination. More dangerous complications include accidents or falls, memory problems, and impaired thinking.
Prescription Nervous System Depressants, Drug Effects
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Prescription Nervous System Depressants, Drug Effects

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