Designing a commercial campaign for the new car, Nissan Leaf. Explain the benefits of buying the car and create an interest to the future customers, by using print and digital medias.
These are the four concepts adapted to the poster with a headline person- alaized. The first one is about the ecological benefit that has the car, represented by a urban hippie. I use the humor of changing the bicycle for the car.
The second one is the smart boy. The car is made to be charged the 80% in less than 30 minutes, and the futur clients have to know it.
The third one is about that driving this car,convertsyouinacoolperson.It’s a breakthrought in technology, so we
simplify all the technological benefits as a hipster, the one who always have the latest technologies.
The last one is a normal dad, a current personal, because it’s a car made for current people, with a affordable price. 
YCN 2012: Nissan

YCN 2012: Nissan

YCN Nissan 2012

